New btwb App: Calendar

We are excited to announce that the new btwb app will be released soon. We want to thank our awesome community for helping us beta test. The next series of blogs will cover different parts of the app.

Keep yours eyes peeled for video tips on our Instagram and Facebook pages.

The new btwb app, being released in the next two weeks, has an awesome calendar feature. Your calendar is where all the WODs that are assigned to you are displayed. You can easily see which days you’ve already posted for, and jump to any day’s workouts by tapping on the day. Check out this quick video for an overview or keep scrolling for some more details.

From the home screen, the top left number on the Calendar card is your total number of WODs for the current day on all the programming Tracks you follow. To the right is the number of WODs for each individual track for that day. When you tap the card you’ll see the full calendar view. By using the card layout, we can add more features without hurting usability. Everything will always be one tap away.


On the Calendar view, you can see a whole month at a glance. The color of each day will tell you whether you already logged or not and you can easily see how many WODs were planned for you on each day. As an example, seeing “3 | 6” on a day means you logged 3 workouts out of the 6 that were assigned that day.

The “MGW” section tells you what movement modalities your logged workouts contained that day. Each movement is categorized as either Monostructural (e.g. running or rowing), Gymnastics (e.g. pull-ups or push-ups) and/or Weightlifting (e.g. deadlift or thrusters). This will give you a quick indicator of the balance in your workouts.


Below the calendar, you can see all the workouts you have assigned for the selected day. You can see the workout description some some brief stats. If you have a previous score it will be shown, and you can click that to see more details and the rest of your previous results.

Click “Log” to log your score, or “Details” to see movement demos and more workout info. Click “Leaderboard” to see all the results from the rest of your gym or program members.


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