Open 16.2 – Preliminary Analysis

This is part of a series on The CrossFit Games 2016 Open Workouts. For more, checkout: 16.2 Final Analysis, and 16.1 Final Analysis.

In a throwback to the first issue of the CrossFit Journal “Garage Gym“, the Open 16.2 workout announcement was held in a garage gym in North Carolina. This workout combines Toes-to-Bar, Double Unders, and increasingly heavier Squat Cleans.

For the best of the best, this could be another 20 minute workout. For the rest of us mortals, it’s a lot more likely to be finished in under 8 minutes.

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Currently, making it past the Double Unders on the 2nd round would score in the 49th percentile for Men and 58th for Women, but making it past all the Squat Cleans would put you in the 88th percentile for both divisions. That means about 34% of the participants will finish on those Cleans. Every rep of that Clean will have a big effect on overall placing.

For athletes in the top 10%, every rep of the 3rd round of Squat Cleans will be very important. Check out the table for the full percentile breakdown by Clean rep.

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16.2 Score Distribution – Rx’d

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16.2 Score Distribution – Scaled

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